Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

"Sense of Delight" by MK-Designs

And now my new page, made yesterday evening. It's mades with the kit "Sense of Delight" by MK-Designs. It's wonderful winter and Christmas kit:

Kit: "Sense of Delight" by MK-Designs @
Pic by Pünktchen

"Simply Vintage" by PtiteSouris

The next 3 month I'm a guest of PtiteSouris. Her my first page for her with the new kit "Simply Vintage":

Kit: "Simply Vintage" by PtiteSouris @
Template "Jumpers 5-8" by Studio Crystal @ Scrapbookgraphics

"Fantasy" by Andjelina's and ANN Design

Look at this: It's the fantastic new Collab-Kit by Andjelina's and ANN Design. It included wonderful wordarts and an alpha:

Kit: Collab "Fantasy" by Andjelina's and ANN Design @
Photo by Suzi Sgai

"Der Wetterfrosch" by MK-Designs

And here the brand new kit by MK-Designs called "Der Wetterfrosch":

Kit "Der Wetterfrosch" by MK-Designs @

pic by Kimberly

"Happy New Year" by MK-Designs, Kasia and NLD

Before the year ends, I have to post fastly my last pages ;-). First I want to show you my page with this great New Years kit:

Kit: "Happy New Year" by MK-Designs, NLD and Kasia @
RAK for Meltem and Faba

Sonntag, 13. Dezember 2009

"One...Two...Three...Go" by Andjelina's and ANN Design

Here the current kit by Andjelina's Design together with ANN Design. It's a fantastic adventure and boy kit:

My page:
Kit: Collab "One...Two...Three...Go" by Andjelina's and ANN Design @
Pic by Dani³

"Retail Therapy" by MK-Desings and Holly

And now I will show you the so creative Collab-kit "Retail Therapy" by MK-Desings and Holly:

Collab Kit: "Retail Therapy" by MK-Desings and Holly @

photo by Meltem

Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009

"Winter Wish" by MK-Desings and Kitty

Have you seen this? It's a fantastic Collabkit by MK-Designs and Kitty:

And my page with this kit:

Collab Kit "Winter Wish" by Kitty and MK-Designs @ SPD
Oh...I love this kit. So wonderful and soft. A perfect Christmas kit by Andjelina's-Designs and ANN Designs :

My page:

Collab Kit "Baby's First Christmas" by Andjelina's-Designs and ANN Designs @
RAK for Miheda

"Symphony of Nature" by Symphonie-Designs

Here the newest kit by Symphonie-Designs:

"Symphony of Nature" by Symphonie-Designs @

Samstag, 28. November 2009

"Miracle of Life"

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Kit "Miracle Of Life" by MK-Designs @
RAK for Pünktchen

"New Home" by MK-Designs

Here my page with the kit "New Home" by MK-Desings:

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Kit “New Home” by MK-Designs @
RAK for Chloey

CT-CAll Symphonie

I'm back

Hallo zusammen! Ich melde mich mal wieder zurück. Ich habe hier lange nichts mehr geschrieben. Zum einen lag das daran, dass ich auf Grund vom Wechsel des Anbieters über einen Monat kein Internet hatte. Zum anderen hatte ich in letzter Zeit so viel zu tun, dass ich einfach weder Zeit noch Lust hatte zum Bloggen. Aber ich werd mich bemühen, meine Blog nun wieder auf dem laufenden zu halten.
Hi everyone! I'm back. It's a long time ago, since my last post here. Once I had no internet for over one month, because we chanced our provider. Second I had so much to do last time. So I had no time to blog.

Freitag, 25. September 2009

"Soupieces of autumn" by MK-Designs

Und heute ganz neu im Shop, dieses super Herbstkit von Marlies:
And today new - this great autumn kit by Marlies:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
*NEW* Kit “Soulpieces of autumn” by MK-Designs @
RAK for Pünktchen

"Quick and Easy" by MK-Designs

Von MK-Designs gibts zwei tolle "Quick and Easy" Sets - eins für Jungs und eins für Mädels. Darin sind Quickpages, layered Frames und noch ein Bonus. Ich hab mal ein Lo mit dem Set Nr. 1 für Jungen erstellt.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
“Quick and easy Nr. 1” by MK-Designs @
Some elements from “Cute little monster” by MK-Designs @
RAK for Miheda

"My Baby" by ANN Designs

Dieses tolle Kit hab ich von Anechka alias Ann-Designs geschenkt bekommen. Vielen Dank noch mal und hier mein Lo damit:
This kit is a gift by anechka. Thank you so much. And here my page:

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Kit "My Baby" by ANN designs @ and @

Freitag, 18. September 2009

"The Red Owl" by MK-Designs"

Und hier noch das aktuelle Kit von MK-Designs:
And here the newest kit by MK-Designs:

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Kit “The Red Owl” by MK-Designs @
RAK for Chloey

"Homewards" by ON-Designs

Ich bin total glücklich, denn diesen Monat darf ich bei ON-Design zu Gast sein. Ich bin ein totaler Fan von den Grabbags und Kits. Hier mein Lo mit dem wunderschönen Kit "Homewards":
I'm totally happy, because I'm guest at ON-Designs this month. I'm such a fun of the grabbags and kits. Here my Lo with the wonderful kit "Homewards":

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Kit "Homewards" by ON-Designs @
RAK for iritrea

"Cotton Candy" by MK-Designs

Ich war wiedermal faul und hab schon eine ganze Weile nicht mehr geblogt. Darum hier ein schon über zwei Wochen altes Kit von Marlies:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
*NEW* Kit: “Cotton Candy“ by MK-Designs @
Trees from Kit “Fancifulness„ by MK-Designs @
RAK for Kimberly

Montag, 31. August 2009

"Blueberry Art" by MK-Designs

Und zu guter letzt noch das neue, geniale Kit von Marlies alias MK-Designs. Außerdem gibts seit voriger Woche noch super Stiches:
And last but not least the new, fantastic kit by Marlies aka MK-Designs. There are also great stiches in her shop since last week:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Kit “Blueberry Art” by MK-Designs @
Stiches: “Embellished Stiches” by MK-Designs @
RAK for Meltem

"Old Treasure" by Shayarka

Hier mein letztes Lo für's Shop-CT von Sunflowerscrap. Ich bin sehr traurig darüber, denn es ist ein toller Shop mit super Designer. Leider lässt es meine Zeit nicht mehr zu, dass ich dieses CT behalte.


This is my last page for my CT bei Sunflowerscrap (Shop). I'm not happy about this fact, because there are so great designer. But at the moment I have not enough time for this CT.

Kit: "Old Treasure" by Shayarka @
RAK for Dani³

Kit: "Old Treasure" by Shayarka @
RAK for Chloey

"Oriental pearl" by Symphonie

Mein Urlaub ist leider schon wieder seit zwei Wochen vorbei und gescrapt hab ich schon wieder etwas. Jetzt hab ich endlich mal Lust und Zeit es hier zu posten. Zuerst meine Lo's mit dem aktuellen Kit von Symphonie:
My vacation is passed and so here my new Lo's. First my pages with the new kit by Symphonie:

Kit: „Oriental pearl“ by Symphonie @
Photo by Suzi Sgai

Kit: „Oriental pearl“ by Symphonie @
Scraplift by anny-libelle

Montag, 3. August 2009

I'm back

Hi Leute, ich weiß, ich hab lange nicht mehr gebloggt. Aber der Juli war einfach schrecklich. Erst hatte mein DSL-Anschluss ne Macke und dann war der ganze PC hin. Als alles wieder funktionierte, musste ich erstmal zusehen, dass ich mit meinen CT's wieder auf den laufenden Stand komme. Noch dazu hab ich momentan einiges zu tun, was meine Arbeit angeht. Daher hab ich in den Post vorher mal schnell alles bislang aufgelaufenes gepostet.
Hi everyone - I'm back. I know it's a long time ago since my last post. But the july was terrible. First my DSL was down and then my whole computer. After all worked again, I had many to do for my CT's. Besides at the moment I have a lot to do with my job. So in the postings before I post only short my newest pages.

"The kitchen" by MK-Designs

And my page:
Kit: „The kitchen“ by MK-Designs @

"Apple Paradies" by Cucciola Design

My pages with this kit:
Kit "Apple Paradiese" by Cucciola Design @
RAK for iritrea

Kit "Apple Paradiese" by Cucciola Design @
RAk for Mama-Maike